- Not to be confused with the world of the same name that the campaign is set in.
Aerois is the title for High Rollers D&D's second Dungeons & Dragons campaign. The campaign began on July 1, 2018.
The setting for the new campaign was revealed by Mark in the final episode of the Lightfall campaign. In the 10 days running up to the launch on 1 July, the High Rollers plan to release videos revealing new pieces of information about the series and the characters they will play. Dedicated High Rollers Twitch and YouTube channels have already been announced, allowing High Rollers to separate itself from the Yogscast Live Twitch and YouTube channels. Although High Rollers will continue to be streamed on Yogscast Live as usual, VODs will be uploaded to the High Rollers YouTube channel only. The new campaign is available as a podcast on a variety of platforms, too.
Aerois has been confirmed to be seperate from the world the Lightfall campaign took place in.
There are 2 sponsors for this season of High Rollers, DnD Beyond and Brilliant.
10 Days of Aerois The Intro Day 1
The intro video briefly shows how the world of Aerois was created, what led to its destruction and the world we now know today (more information here). Produced and edited by Trott. Artwork by Nina.
Main Characters[]
Dungeon Master - (Mark Hulmes)[]
Mark takes the role of Dungeon Master for the series, using the D&D 5th edition rules, albeit with a few minor tweaks of his own such as swapping out dark vision for low-light vision, and doubling a single dice roll when a critical occurs where normally 2 separate die would be rolled. Mark also custom-made Aerois, the world specially designed for the Aerois campaign.
Aila - (Katie Morrison)[]
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"Aila is a Wild Elf Barbarian and member of the Airdetithe clan. Armed with her warhammer, the Howling Gale, she journeys to find her true clan and understand the source of her unnatural storm powers.[1]"
Lucius Elenasto - (Chris Trott)[]
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"A sheltered Daddy's boy, living in a rich noble estate atop the floating city of Gusthaven. As a trained Arcane Chromal Lucius pulls upon the very color of life to cast spells and thanks to his heterochromia, can augment acid and cold spells.[1]"
Nova V'Ger - (Kim Richards)[]
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"Nova is a happy-go-lucky scholar who dreams of travelling into space. She travels with Tiangong; a mysterious sword that gives her the powers of a Hexblade Warlock. Fiercely intelligent, but not very world wise![1]"
Qillek Ad Khollar - (Tom Hazel)[]
Sentry - (Rhiannon Gower)[]
Sentry is a proud Guardian, tasked with protecting the Royal Family of Solwynn. Until a cruel fate violently tore her from her home and the people she loved. Now tasked with discovering and preserving the knowledge of her forgotten world, before her time runs out.
The World of Aerois[]
- Main article: Aerois
Created by Mark Hulmes, Aerois is a world of floating cities, dangerous and wild countryside, interplanetary magic and alien technology.
In a typical D&D campaign, the world is based on the planes of existence where the material plane is the nexus of the other planes. In the Aerois campaign, Aerois is depicted as a planet (the material plane) within a system of other planets and celestial bodies (the other planes). For example, Mark describes the Plane of Fire as a planet possibly with fiery volcanic lands, while the Shadowfell could be a barren moon that now house ruins of a fallen kingdom. Starships and planar magic are used as interplanetary travel.[1]
Being a homebrewed campaign, Mark has introduced several new materials and changed some game mechanics. You may view the implementation here.
- Former passengers and crew of the Sparrowblade
- The Sparrowblade was built for travel and speed, not for a fight or conflict
- Crew
- Aruni[spelling?]- Navigator for the Sparrowblade
- Dead as of Episode 2
- Faltier Alessandra[spelling?]- Captian of the Sparrowblade
- Dead as of Episode 2
- Aruni[spelling?]- Navigator for the Sparrowblade
- Passenger
- Arval- Dwarven merchant
- Wealthy business owner in Goldthrone
- Alive presently
- Yusef[spelling?]- Human priestess to of Siaska
- Dead as of Episode 10
- Corrin[spelling?]- Human priest of Siaska
- Dead as of Episode 10
- Valla - Demi?Human, unknown type of Sorceress, ward of Yusef and Corillion
- Is 15
- Alive presently
- As of episode 26 found to be the only child of Calus Starbane, helping save the party from Starbane(same episode) by joining her father. Also convincing Calus to help resurrect Sentry, which he did by giving a star to the party.
- Calus revealed to Nova in a shared dream that Valla is also the child of Siaska
- Arval- Dwarven merchant
- Crew
- Wild Elves of the Bitterwoods (Lowlands)
- Kara- Leader of a wild elven clan in the Bitterwoods
- Dead as of Episode 3
- Kara- Leader of a wild elven clan in the Bitterwoods
- Rosehall (Lowlands)
- Sunbearer Blackhammer- Priest of Palador
- Alive presently
- Merrick Tallfellow[spelling?]- Field Warden of Rosehall
- Has a wife, and unknown number of children
- Alive presently
- Jeseph[spelling?] - Deputy Commander of the Rosehall Harvest Guards
- Alive presently
- Windy Gale - Commander of The Rosehall Harvest Guards aka The Scarecrow
- Alive presently
- Roselina- Owner of the Brazen Heart Inn
- Alive presently
- Deysa- Blacksmith of Rosehall
- Alive presently
- Widower, with two? children
- One teenaged son
- Maximillian- Owner of the Dale Guild Provisions
- Alive presently
- Neville- Owner of Neville's Quills and Quandaries
- Gnome Wizard
- Alive presently
- Brett Brookstone- Owner of the mines of Rosehall
- Has a wife, four sons*, and two daughters*
- Wife is Gemma Brookstone
- Alive presently
- Children in order of oldest to youngest
- Finn Brookstone (Son)
- Adult
- Dead as of Episode 11
- Fela Brookstone[spelling?] (Daughter)
- Adult
- Alive presently
- Denton Brookstone (Son)
- Teenager
- Alive presently
- Wil Brookstone (Son)
- Around 13-10
- Alive presently
- Sammy Brookstone (Son)
- Around 13-10
- Alive presently
- Sandy Brookstone (Daughter)
- Around eight or nine
- Alive presently
- Finn Brookstone (Son)
- Wife is Gemma Brookstone
- Has a wife, four sons*, and two daughters*
- Sunbearer Blackhammer- Priest of Palador
- Ironwoods (Lowlands)
- Celamin[spelling?]- Dryad
- Alive presently
- Celamin[spelling?]- Dryad
- Ironwick (Lowlands)
- Missy Stealeye[spelling?]
- Dwarf and Field Warden of Ironwick
- Alive presently
- Missy Stealeye[spelling?]
- Kallie's Rest (Lowlands)
- Sana
- Bounty Hunter Hired by Galan Sans to find his missing daughter
- Beastwalker Bunny
- Alive presently
- Galan Sans
- Human Magic-user(Assumed to be Wizard)
- Father of Astella, one of the five missing girls who all look similar to Valla
- Tom Hazell played him in episode 17
- Died episode 17
- Astella Sans
- One of the girls kidnapped by the Remnants, and only one to come out alive, but has lost part of her soul.
- Looks similar to Valla
- Alive presently
- Tracker
- Six-eyed humanoid male Guardian
- Chose to died in episode 24
- Father figure/leader of a group of Guardians; Chip, Scout, Smasher, and Sweep
- Chip
- Woodworking male Guardian
- Helped Sentry rebuild her Echo
- Scout
- Young Halfling sized male Guardian with a crossbow
- Smasher
- Front line veteran male Guardian of the war.
- Because they are over 9 feet tall they are considered a Large creature.
- Sweep
- Female Guardian
- Was rescued by Tracker from humans using her as a cleaning slave.
- Malika Dawnblessed
- Field Warden of Kallie's Rest
- Aasimar
- Rest Keeper Jasna[spelling?]
- Head priestess of Kelara
- Milinda Merryweather[spelling?]
- Dwarf owner of The Barrel and Over
- Her inn was described to be very Dolores Umbridge style
- Windrider Hess Von Vatis [spelling?]
- Aarakocra
- Guild leader of Kallie's Rest branch of The Messager's Guild
- Caluotoma[spelling?] aka Calu
- Half-orc
- Found in Kallie's Rest but does not live there
- Priest of Kelara[spelling?]
- Rose Meadow
- Centaur(From the same plane as the Eternal Race)
- Owner of Rose Meadow's Medicine
- Star Mourner Elanis
- Priest of Siaska
- Dean Simon
- Human
- Priest and librarian of H'espa
- 'Spell Clash members and hopefuls' 'in' Kallie's Rest
- Daphne
- Spell Clash employee for registration
- Gideon Goldtouch
- Chancy
- Halfling
- Dragon sorcerer
- Failed against Lucius
- Rickor the Evocater
- Jerk/cocky/arrogant
- Failed against Quill
- Thorne Whisper
- Won against random fire wizard Spell Clash employee
- Daphne
- Sana
- The Midwife's forge
- The forgettable loveable ghostly goblin
- Goblins
- Smeak
- Eventual party member that loved to follow Aila until killed the secert room in the Royal Library in Gusthaven. The party later sometimes sees Smeak as a ghost after his death.
- Smeak
- Gusthaven (Sky City)
- The Elenastos
- Virion Elenasto
- Lucius' father
- died episode unknown
- Elluin Elenasto
- Lucius' mother
- died episode unknown
- Adaya [spelling] Elenasto twin sister of Lucius
- Alive presently. Presumed dead by Gusthaven
- Alchemist
- Moonstar the Vigilante
- Lucius Elenasto pc
- Nanny Norfea
- Lucius's Nanny
- she was an assassin in the past
- Virion Elenasto
- The Elenastos
- Eterna Race (Other plane)
- Known members
- Nightfrost
- Bonded to Lucius in episode 17
- Absorbed some life force but didn't become a full undead Eterna
- Takes the shapes of;
- Ice bow
- Black cloak with a mist coming off it
- Hunched shadow, no defining features except for icy blue eyes
- Shards of Tiangong
- Bonded to Nova before the campaign
- Tiangong was split into 13 shards
- Calus Starbane is rumoured to have fought with 3 shards of Tiangong in combat
- Nova found a second shard in the form of a tri bladed throwing disk (described as the shape of the flux capacitor) at the Night's Eye ep 31 it reformed with her first shard to her in ep 32
- Current known shapes are
- another shard of Tiangong was discovered by quill in an underwater battlefield in a giant mech
- Sword (see photo of Nova above)
- Dagger form after bonding with a magic hammer
- Nightfrost
- Silveredge
- Eterna that fed on the lifeforce of sahauguin and became a corrupted Eterna
- Was destroyed by Sentry in ep 50
- Powered aegis 5 space station that was attacked by palador[spelling]
- Helios
- protector Eterna
- Was formerly on Gusthaven
- Wants to help find Eterna and help them come back, filled with magical power to prevent more Eterna from eading life force and becoming corrupted undead Eterna
- Presently alive
- Known members
- Starbane Empire
- Calus Starbane
- is the father of Valla
- former lover of Siaska
- Fights Har'dar/Kraven Star
- By conquering other world to join his army
- Met and spared the party in episode 28 due to Valla.
- Also gave the party a Star to help resurrect Sentry
- Mortal man turned immortal somehow
- Presently alive
- Is seen by many of the people of Aerois as Evil.
- Would be true neutral or chaotic good if using the alignment system by his use of 'the ends justify the means'
- An example is he turned Draconsis the dragon and Dragonborne homeworld into a forge to make weapons it lacked society weapons became it main export he turned way from a balanced society and turned its sole purpose to make weapons and train soldiers
- He also had people mutate Dragonborne soldiers and experiments on unborn dragon eggs
- One of Starbane's commanders loved the idea guardians and created a poor robotic more animalistic guardian
- Evil versions of guardians used by the remanent to abduct people
- It is called a stalker it is made of metal and crystal
- Would be true neutral or chaotic good if using the alignment system by his use of 'the ends justify the means'
- Dragons
- Chromatic dragons
- The Dragonborn and dragons that stayed with Calus while the metallic dragons fled from Calus to warn Aerois of his invasion
- They are the mutated Dragons
- No NPC currently
- Metallic dragons
- Having no Eterna to power the ships they stole from Calus the ancient metallic dragons imbued themselves within the ships to power them and transport their race to Aerois
- They hate Calus Starbane for what he did to their race and homeworld, hence why they rebelled.
- As the dragons get older they sleep for prolonged periods because of the cradle set in place by siaska
- Chromatic dragons
- Lair de Land
- Missing elf tribe
- Blessed by Zephyr[spelling?]
- Thus they have storm powers
- They joined Calus Starbane having no choice
- They were teleported out of Aerois
- Aila is of this tribe.
- Censara[spelling]
- Eladrin bard
- In the diplomatic corp of Starbane's army
- Activated the I'llusory leadership system 'aka ILS and ran away from the party in ep 50
- Extremely perky a zealot and a completely crazy wacko
- Presently alive
- Met the party in ep 49
- Maximilian Taldross
- Joined forces with the party in episode 57
- A paladin of Calus Starbane
- He promised he would not hurt the party until they rid camenia[spelling] city of Hadar's minion which was herald
- He is from giddon prime
- He was genetically created to have a natural affinity to fire magic
- He has orange hair
- Nova gave him a fire elemental
- Danna Glomfire
- A duergar sorceress
- She cast plane shift a 7th level spell and prismatic ray another seventh level spell meaning she was a 20th level character
- ILS/ illusory leadership system
- Found in ep 49
- Is an illusory version of Calus Starbane with him some of his memory such as his tactical strategies
- Nova currently has it
- Was destroyed in episode 56
- Calus Starbane
- Giscella [spelling]
- It is a commonwealth.
- caltain or captain rama vorfear or thorfear [spelling] half elf he was undesiredable in the commonwealth's eyes so they sent him north to the city of glass (which is basicly a frontier section of the commonwealth) to just get out of their hair
- he protects the city of glass
- The City of Glass/ Camenia city [spelling]
- This city camenia was a metropolis it was known for its warriors and temples
- It was previosly known as camenia [spelling]
- A weapon of starbane was used on the city like a few hours days before the sundering that caused the city to transmutate into glass the weapon broke and has since then never been used to our knowledge
- This city is crawling with feral guardians and ghosts that look like glass they are near impossible to see
- The glass scar as mark calls it starts near the center and in a 60 foot cone from that spot toward the sea everything above ground turns to glass
- Herald
- A guardian that has been waiting for a successor for The City of Glass
- However, Herald became corrupted by Hadar aka the kraven star
- Has enslaved the guardian Rook
- Presently alive
- Rook
- Herald
- There were three guardians of the royal family of Solwynn
- It is a commonwealth.
- Aerois gods/ the Titans/the Starborn
- Siaska- true Goddess, Goddess of creation
- Created the starborn and taught Calus Starbane how to make Valla
- Seperated off some of her power which became her childern, the starborne aka the titan/gods of Aerios
- The starborne can be used to bring back siaska because they are made from her however they would cease to exist as told by Calus Starbane her ex-lover
- H'espa- God/Titan of knowledge and magic
- Raised the seven sky cities
- Cloud garden horizon and gusthaven are the three we know the names of
- One of the three middle starborne
- Chose Qillek Ad Khollar as his Champion
- As of episode 56 H'espa is geting older as his power is being used more and more
- He has a plan to stop starbane, however the plan might take his life, and only H'espa knows it
- Palidor- God/Titan of light and the dawn and the sun
- Zephyr[spelling?]- Goddess/Titan of storms and sea and battle
- One of the middle starborn
- Orcs worship her
- One of the three middle starborne
- Aila''s lost tribe worshiped zephr
- One of the two youngest starborn
- Atellicus[spelling?]- God/Titan of the earth
- Oldest child
- He is worshiped out of fear of his rage
- He stabed his spear into the ground this caused the sundering
- He is the oldest child of the starborne
- Most wild elf tribes worship him
- The oldest of the starborn
- Velanna[spelling]- Goddess/Titan of craft and life worshiped by dwarves
- She made the Midwife's Forge
- The party used the Midwife's Forge to resurrect Sentry with the star from Calus
- One of the three middle starborn
- She made the Midwife's Forge
- Sicanna[spelling]- Goddess/Titan of song and luck and the life of the party and joy
- One of the two youngest starborne
- Kalara- Goddess/Titan of death
- Guides people down to the afterlife
- Second oldest child of the starborn
- Siaska- true Goddess, Goddess of creation
- Calus Starbane
- Mortal man turned immortal
- Fights Har'dar
- By conquering other world to join his army
- Emperor of the Starbane empire
- Revealed to be the Father of Valla
- Revealed to be the lover of Siaska
Episode Guide[]
See also: List of High Rollers D&D episodes
Dungeons & Dragons Dungeons & Dragons
- Prior to the start of the Aerois campaign, Mark revealed in a video that he would be invoking the injury table rule from the Dungeon Masters guide for this season. This was done to introduce a greater element of danger to fights, with the possibility for injuries to impede the players.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Character Bio as shown on Aerois Episode 1.